PartTrace package


PartTrace.testparticle module

class PartTrace.testparticle.TPRun(CR, npart=1, charge=-1.0, mass=0.04, run=0, tstart=0, tend=5.0, t0=0.0, r0=[130.0, 30.0], dr0=[0.1, 0.1], v0=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dv0=[0.1, 0.1], dt=0.001, loading='randu', fieldinterp=False)

Test Particle run

load_randn(r, dr, v, dv)

loads particles randomly in a spatial gaussian

The method loads the particles in a spatial gaussian of std ‘dr’ entered around ‘r’. Particles are loaded in a normal distribution. Velocities are uniformly distributed within ‘dv’ from ‘v’

Carefull : this method will erase any initial position and velocity that may have already been initialized.

@param r : (x,y,z) center of the gaussian @param dr : (dx,dy,dz) standard deviation from r @param v : (Vx,Vy,Vz) mean initial velocity @param dv : (dVx,dVy,dVz) initial velocity interval

@return: @todo

Exemple :

Creation : 2013-05-01 11:21:19.671182

load_randp(r, dr, v, dv)

loads particles randomly in a rectangle

The method loads the particles in a rectangle of side ‘dr’ entered around ‘r’. Particles are loaded uniformly in that rectangle. Velocities are uniformly distributed within ‘dv’ from ‘v’

Carefull : this method will erase any initial position and velocity that may have already been initialized.

@param r : (x,y,z) center of the rectangle @param dr : (dx,dy,dz) size of the rectangle @param v : (Vx,Vy,Vz) mean initial velocity @param dv : (dVx,dVy,dVz) initial velocity interval

@return: @todo

Exemple :

Creation : 2013-05-01 11:21:19.671182

load_randu(r, dr, v, dv)

loads particles randomly in a rectangle

The method loads the particles in a rectangle of side ‘dr’ entered around ‘r’. Particles are loaded uniformly in that rectangle. Velocities are uniformly distributed within ‘dv’ from ‘v’

Carefull : this method will erase any initial position and velocity that may have already been initialized.

@param r : (x,y,z) center of the rectangle @param dr : (dx,dy,dz) size of the rectangle @param v : (Vx,Vy,Vz) mean initial velocity @param dv : (dVx,dVy,dVz) initial velocity interval

@return: @todo

Exemple :

Creation : 2013-05-01 11:21:19.671182

load_randu_mag(r, dr, v, dv)

loads particles randomly in a rectangle

The method loads the particles in a rectangle of side ‘dr’ entered around ‘r’. Particles are loaded uniformly in that rectangle. Velocities are uniformly distributed within ‘dv’ from ‘v’ However dv is now broken into two parts, dv|| and dv perp

Carefull : this method will erase any initial position and velocity that may have already been initialized.

@param r : (x,y,z) center of the rectangle @param dr : (dx,dy,dz) size of the rectangle @param v : (Vx,Vy,Vz) mean initial velocity @param dv : (dV||,dVperp) initial velocity interval

@return: @todo

Exemple :

Creation : 2013-05-01 11:21:19.671182


moves all the particles

@return: @todo

Exemple :

Creation : 2013-05-01 14:28:08.724842

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